This file has 2789 columns. What are they?
Created by Yury Bukhman ybukhman2 Unfortunately I can't advise on the best filtering metrics. @ductyler Are you able to help answer this question? There's another question about the same file [here](!Synapse:syn2580853/discussion/threadId=9606) that I would also appreciate your help on! Looks like this file is a protein groups table output from MaxQuant. The columns are described in
One may want to filter out the rows that have ?+? in the _Reverse_ or _Potential contaminant_ columns, as those are peptides that match a decoy better than any real protein and common contaminants respectively. I am not sure if I should also filter on the _Sequence coverage_, _Q value_ and/or _Score_ columns. Any advice? Hi there, you may find this earlier discussion thread about this file helpful:!Synapse:syn2580853/discussion/threadId=4677. Is the problem that the column headers are not sufficient to understand the values in them?