The following columns are filled with _NA_ values:_ yearsEducation, causeDeath, mannerDeath, pH, brainWeight, diagnosis, and diagnosisCriteria_. Is this information available in some form elsewhere?
Additionally, 137 of the 377 patients have _NA_ in the _apoeGenotype_ column.
Created by Yury Bukhman ybukhman2 Thank you, Abby! Hi Yury,
We censor all ages over 90 to "90+" in the AD portal to reduce the risk of re-identification, so this information is not available. We likewise don't have any information beyond what the original data contributors provided for the empty metadata columns. However, this study does provide Braak stage, CERAD, and CDR scores for most donors -- more information is available in the [study description](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage/StudyDetails?Study=syn3159438#StudyDescription).
We also don't have additional information on APOE status for those with NAs, but this study does have WGS data and you might be able to use the variant calls from chromosome 19 to find this information. Additionally, 130 patients have _ageDeath = 90+_. Is it possible to get the exact age in years, as in the rest of the dataset?
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