Hi group, In the joint consortium studies sample (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn11714088), around 27 Individual Ids cannot be linked back to their metadata file (they are missing in the metadata files). What are my options?
Best regards,
Created by rrajesh Hi @varduhi_p , if you go to the [WGS Harmonization Study Data page in the AD Portal, you can see a list of all the metadata files for this study](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage/StudyData?Study=syn22264775#StudyMetadata). If you use the facet on the side to select "individual" under metadata type, you will see the individual metadata files from each of the three studies included in the harmonization effort. Those files have a column called "individualID" that links the individual to demographic and clinical metadata.
Abby Hello! Where could I find the individual id's in this file? Dear Abby,
Thanks for your response. It is possible that the IIDs for the samples are missing for the reason you suggested. Especially since the missing samples are from the MSBB and ROSMAP studies which have indicated that some samples were excluded.
Best regards,
-Rajesh Hi Rajesh,
If you look at the folder wiki on syn26243166 and click "Show More", there are details about samples that were excluded from the different cohorts in this study for quality reasons, e.g 17 ROSMAP samples were biological replicates and 16 were excluded based on sex mismatches. I imagine that's why these individual IDs are missing from the metadata file (our current standardized metadata files for these studies were collated from different covariates files after the data was generated). Does that sound plausible, or do you think these missing IDs are something different?