I see a metadata file for the filtered data with corresponding gene names (row names). However, I was wondering if you could provide the additional sample IDs (columns) for the filtered data. (syn18686381.1)
In addition, I was wondering if you had mean expression values for all the genes in the filtered data per cell type? Something similar to Supplementary Table 2 of your paper "Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of Alzheimer's Disease" but not just limited to the DEGs, instead it includes all the genes mean expression value per cell type for the various AD progression stages?
Created by Amna Irfan airfan1 Hi Amna, the [filtered_column_metadata.txt](syn18686372) file contains a dataframe with cell annotations that correspond to the columns in the counts matrix. In the column metadata, the "projid" column can be used to join the counts data to the [biospecimen metadata](syn18642936) and [ROSMAP clinical metadata](syn3191087) files.
Unfortunately I can't help with mean expression values -- I recommend contacting the authors of the paper to ask if those are available.