I am trying to understand what is the difference between the 2 files syn22248440 (Expression_Mayo_TCX.csv) vs syn15833248 (Mayo RNASeq_RNASeq_TCX_CQN_Genecounts.txt).
In the notes from syn3163039 I read the following: "Expression_Mayo_TCX.csv counts file is an older version of the counts in Mayo RNASeq_RNASeq_TCX_CQN_Genecounts.txt."
However if look at the history of the files it looks like it's the opposite. Can anybody clarify this?
Thanks in advance
Created by Giulio Bonifazi g.bonifazi Hi Abby, thanks for clarifying. I will follow the description and not the creation dates.
Thanks again,
Giulio Hi Giulio, I think based on the methods description that syn22248440 is an older version of the temporal cortex gene counts that was originally used for the deconvolution analysis in the publication referenced [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn22228843). It is probably the older file, but may have been uploaded to Synapse _after_ the newer file to complement the analysis, hence the file creation dates. @mxa24 Do you have any insight into this? We can adjust the wording in the folder wiki to clarify.
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