Do you know how to download the WGS Harmonization study bam files? I got this "The remaining bam files in this project were generated using the GRCh37 human reference, and are being archived. If you need access to these specific bam files, please ask the AD Portal team for help in this discussion forum." Thanks!
Created by cuiya Thank you so much, Abby! Have a nice weekend!
Ya Due to the costs involved in transferring the ~190TB of bams, there are currently no plans to allow direct download of the bam files. However, once you download them to your own AWS account, you can transfer them to a secure local server at your own cost.
The fastq files that were used to align the bams _are_ available for direct download, and you could use them to perform your own alignment (although I know that's not trivial). The original alignment parameters for this study are detailed in the folder wiki here: syn26243166. Hi Abby,
Thanks for clarifying! I think I know what I need to do. One more question, is there any plan to let bam files be available for direct download?
Ok, thanks for clarifying. The bam files are not available for direct download due to egress costs, but you can download them to an AWS instance that you own and work on them there. Detailed instructions are provided [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15067647/wiki/591142), under "Transferring Data from Synapse to your AWS account". If you have signed the AD Portal DUC and have access to the data, you should be able to use those directions to download the bam files.
Let me know if you run into any issues, and how long you expect the download to take once you have started it. Hi Abby,
Yes. I need access to the bam files specifically. Do you have any ideas on how to download bam files? Thanks!
Hi Ya,
Because the fastq files from the WGS Harmonization study are now available for unrestricted download, we are archiving the bam files that were aligned to the older genome build. The variant calls from that alignment are also still available. Is there a reason you need access to the bam files specifically?
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