Dear metta,
Is there a difference between SYN21079128's _pQTL Results.csv_ and SYN2580853's rosmap _DLPFC pQTLs.csv_?
Do the samples from the two data sets intersect? Is it possible to utilize these two samples as independent validation?
Thanks very much!
Created by jinyika @Mette Do you know who would be able to help with this? I was not involved in any pQTL analyses. Sorry. Hi there, do you mean the [ROSMAP_DLPFC_pQTL](!Synapse:syn24200990) file? syn2580853 is just the main AD Portal project.
@sieberts Can you help answer this? I'm not sure what the relationship between the "Brain QTL" and the "pQTL" analyses is. Thanks! Is there anyone who knows the answer? Thank you for your consideration.
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