Hi, I have got access to blood gene expression RNAseq fastq files. But I am wondering if anyone has processed and normalized the data to generate gene/transcript counts or log2cpm values.
Thank you,
Created by Sithara85 Hi Abby,
Yes, I meant RNAseq data for the monocyte samples. I have got access to raw fastq files. I couldn't find the processed/normalized data for gene expression analysis.
Thank you,
Sithara Hi there, do you mean the RNAseq data for the [ROSMAP monocyte samples](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn22024496)? If so, I don't believe we have any counts or processed data for these samples. @jmquinones81 originally uploaded the fastq files and may be able to tell us whether there are counts files available anywhere -- otherwise, you could contact the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center and ask there: https://www.radc.rush.edu/.