Does anyone know why is their decimal scores in cts_mmse30_lv and cts_mmse30_first_ad_dx in ROSMAP_clinial.txt?
Shouldn't the MMSE scores integer?
Also, does anyone know what the 'cts_' means?
Created by Jonghun Lee jonghun.lee Oh, I see. You're right that the value ranges for the MMSE variables are not described in the codebook or metadata. I would recommend contacting RADC and seeing if they can provide more information. @abby.vanderlinden Thank you for response. Yes MMSE is the Mini Mental State Examination so that I thought the scores should be integer between 0 to 30. But why some of the scores have decimal points? and what does MMSE=0 means? is that the patient unable to answer any of the questions? Hi there, the wiki page above this file indicates that MMSE stands for Mini Mental State Examination:!Synapse:syn3191087. Thank you for replying! but it seems that the clinical codebook don't describe MMSE. What I can find in the document is what "_lv" means. We have kept the coding for the ROSMAP variables as they are for data available through the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center (RADC). See the accompanying codebook that explains what the variables are:!Synapse:syn3191090
Also, for your information, RADC had additional phenotypes on the ROSMAP cohorts. Access to those requires a separate request. Please see here if interested: