RE: ROSMAP metadata
I've been trying to understand the protocols in the ROSMAP study. Within the methods section for Bulk Brain RNA Seq, it describes three separate batches for Library Preparation and Sequencing batch. However in the merged metadata file for libraryBatch and sequencingBatch the column value ranges from 0-35 and RISK2/3/4.
E.g syn21595263 - sequencingBatch - RISK_4
Any help with understanding this would be most appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Created by Sarubini Kananathan sarubini_kananathan The libraryBatch is the batch the library was prepared in. The sequencingBatch is the batch the library was sequenced in. Hi,
Thank you for your reply.
If the notes column is for information on the protocol, what does the libraryBatch and sequencingBatch represent?
E.g syn21595263 - sequencingBatch - RISK_4
Ruby The RNA Seq assay metadata has a Notes column that specifies which batch of protocols were used (e.g. data contribution batch 1).