Hi, for the table in the description of syn3157699, it seems that the numbers for ADs and controls are in reverse, for example,
Region Full Region Name Microarray Platform # of AD Samples # of Control
BM8-FC Prefrontal Cortex Affy 133AB 39 17
I used Braak to label AD and Control, but the result is 17 ADs and 39 Controls. Please check, thanks!
Created by xinxingwu Thanks for your response. I checked by CDR, you are correct, by CDR (CDR>0.5 as AD), the numes are matched., I believe that diagnosis was made based on the CDR. That seems to match the numbers. These donors are among the same as in the MSBB study. See that study description [here](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage?Study=syn3159438)
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