Hello, I am using file "MSBB_individual_metadata.csv" from MSBB ( https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn6101474). I need help to find related data dictionary. Specially, what's the meanings of codes (1,2,3,4) for variable "CERAD".? why CDR>3?
Thank you very much in advance.
Created by NeuroGenomics and Informatics at Washington University NeuroGenomics Dr. Wang,
Thank you so much for your fast response. Your explanations are so helpful for us to define case/control status correctly.
Really appreciate your help.
CERAD criteria is defined as 1=normal, 2=definite AD, 3=Probable AD, 4=possible AD
Because many of the donors were nursing home residents and some experienced dementia that was more severe than that captured by the 0-3 scale of CDR, we used the validated version of the ??extended?? CDR which adds ??profound?? (CDR = 4) and ??terminal?? (CDR = 5) to the original 5 point scale (Dooneief et al., 1996; Heyman et al., 1987).
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