How to download part of files from a folder?I have download about 50% files in the folders,but this files are moved to another folder.I want to download the rest of this folder.
Thanks very much !
Created by zhangliandong Hi @nicole.kauer
Thanks very much! I see. According to the [documentation for syncFromSynapse](https://python-docs.synapse.org/build/html/synapseutils.html#synapseutils.sync.syncFromSynapse), it appears you would need to add in a parameter for `ifcollision`. If the file appears to have been changed in some way, then Synapse will not see that it is the same. The default is to overwrite the local copy with the Synapse copy. However, you should be able to use `keep.local` for `ifcollision` to stop it from overwriting and downloading the same files, again. Hi @nicole.kauer
The first set of files have been moved to another folder,and I move these files back to the first set of folder.
Synapse download them again.How to let Synapse know these files have downloaded and only download the rest files?
Thanks very much! I am not sure which folder you are referring to. If you download the new folder to your same directory, then Synapse should skip files that are already downloaded. The caveat is that the first set of files should not have been changed/edited. If so, then Synapse will not see that the files are identical and will download all of them, again.
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