Hi all,
I am looking at the Normalised, covariates removed residual expression data (${buttonlink?text=syn8484987&url=https://www%2Esynapse%2Eorg/#!Synapse:syn8485027&align=None}syn8484987) and am curious about the various column headers for the Brodmann Area (BM) measurements. When indexing for example a measurement from the 10th BM, the column headers follow the format BM_10_XXX, where XXX is a number. What exactly does this XXX number refer to? I took a look through the paper ${buttonlink?text=paper&url=https://www%2Enature%2Ecom/articles/sdata2018185%2Epdf&align=None}here (https://www.nature.com/articles/sdata2018185.pdf) but couldn't find an explicit reference to what these descriptors are.
Is there a data schema to accompany this data?
Thanks for any advice you may be able to offer.
Created by man180 The full value, BM_10_XXX, is the sampleIdentifier. More information on the samples and files used to generate this data can be found via the provenance. For example, the sampleIdentifiers in this format can be found in the [MSBB covariates file](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn6100548.7) that was used to generate the data. Information on provenance can be found in the [Synapse documentation](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/provenance.html).