In syn5963810, there is an index sampleID, and in syn21323404, there is an index sampleID, but the sampleID values seem different, so, are the samples different, is that correct?
In addition, I am not clear, here the samples mean the patients, is that correct?
Created by xinxingwu I will take a look at that as soon as I can and get back to you. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I got it.
In addition, I have one more question: how to relate the Gene Expression (micro RNA array) to biospecimen metadata and clinical metadata, when I analyzed the Gene Expression (micro RNA array), there is a DLPFC index. However, there is no such index in the biospecimen metadata and clinical metadata. The key indexes (such as individualID, specimenID, or projid in the biospecimen metadata and clinical metadata) I did not find in the Gene Expression (micro RNA array).
If I want to relate the Gene Expression (micro RNA array) to the biospecimen metadata and clinical metadata, is that possible? Thanks. In these data sets, the term sampleID is used to label a specific specimen from an individual. This term is being phased out and will eventually be replaced with specimenID. The samples are different as these are different tests that would have used different samples. Data for the ROSMAP study is generated by multiple labs, each of whom have their own methods for labeling specimens.
To figure out the individual that these samples came from, you would need to join the assay metadata files you are interested in with the [biospecimen metadata](!Synapse:syn21323366) and [clinical metadata](!Synapse:syn3191087).