Hi, for the dataset "ROSMAP", when I tried to relate the gene data (that is, syn4009614) to clinical indexes (that is, syn3191087), and I found some samples (about 17 samples) which have gene expression but do not have clinical indexes (that is, I could not find the clinical indexes for same samples), is that correct? Thanks.
Created by xinxingwu Happy to help! Thanks. I got your email. Thanks for everything. I was able to map these specimenIDs to individualIDs in the clinical file via the biospecimen file. I will send you an email with the mapping in case that helps. I looked into this today and was unable to find any specimens that are not tied back to individuals via the [biospecimen metadata file](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn21323366). Would you be able to clarify what is missing?
To be more explicit, I opened the biospecimen metadata file and found all specimens from the column names of the assay file (minus the three variables at the beginning). I then opened the individual file and joined it to this subset of data. There are 492 specimens in the assay. I was able to find 492 biospecimens that tie back to 492 individuals. We will look into this and get back to you.
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