Hello hello,
I was curious if the results for any analysis using the Matrix EQTL R package were stored anywhere on the knowledge portal?
Branden Lau
Created by Branden Lau bmlau Correct. I see. When you say "realign the sequencing data for eQTL", does this mean someone is working on using WGS data rather than chip-based genotype data for eQTL analysis? @bmlau -
Not currently as there was no chip-based genotyping done on that cohort. An effort to realign the sequencing data for eQTL and other analyses is in the cross-consortium analysis queue. Thank you for the response.
Looking at the files in the individual cohorts, I see that Matrixeqtl was only performed on Mayo and ROSMAP? Are there any available eqtl analysis for MSBB? Individual cohorts: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17015233
Meta-analysis: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn16984815
The individual cohort results were generated with Matrixeqtl, and a meta-analysis was performed including samples from CommonMind.