I am trying to find subjects that have both RNAsequencing and WGS done. To do this, I am trying to match the individualID between the two data types. However, I could not find an individualID listed in the WGS metadata file (syn21314542). It is also not listed in the biospecimen metadata file (syn21323366). Is there a way to get the corresponding individualIDs?
Created by Steven Chen sxchen Got it, we will look into that. Thanks for the heads up I accessed through the new portal interface, but there is no new document detailing individualIDs for the WGS data. The clinical file (syn3191087) only matches projIDs to individualIDs. I had to rely on the old ID key file to find the projIDs for my WGS specimenIDs. I'm not sure if you are accessing the data in Synapse or through the new portal interface: https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/. See the ROSMAP study: Note the metadata and data files to make sure you are accessing all the RNAseq: https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies?Study=syn3219045
Mette Okay I figured it out. Thanks @Mette!
For reference, I found the projid for the WGS samples from the now deprecated IDkey file (syn3382527). Then I matched the projid to the individualID in the biospecimen metadata file (syn21323366). Then I used the individualIDs to find the specimenIDs for the RNAseq samples. There are 813 samples with both WGS and RNAseq data available. You can map the biospecimen metadata file (syn21323366) to the individualIDs through the clinical file (see the individualIDs in the last columns: syn3191087
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