I'd like to verify whether sex was regressed out of this dataset
Created by Annat Haber annat22 Hi @annat22,
That would definitely be clearer, we are working on another version of the normalization software currently which will incorporate this. In the current generation the line:
```Using following covariates in the final model: Batch, Sex, RINcontinuous, PCT_CODING_BASES, PCT_INTERGENIC_BASES, pmi, PCT_INTRONIC_BASES, age_death as fixed effects```
Indicates model covariates.
Thanks! That's helpful.
It would be good to have the covariates explicitly listed here
Under the heading
"Adjust data with covariates for Network Analysis"
Currently it only says
"Identified covariates are regressed out from the expression matrix for network analysis" Hi @annat22
Yes, in line 422 of the [script denoted within the file provenance](https://github.com/th1vairam/ampad-DiffExp/blob/bd9766224c2d1515586c9377db7e08a6cb62bcc9/gene_level_analysis/ROSMAP_geneLevel.Rmd#L442), both Sex and Batch were selected as covariates for normalization.
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