I want to access genotype data and RNA-seq data from ROSMAP to conduct eQTL analysis, Can you please advice me how to get access to these two types of data? Thank you.
Created by Zhaohui Qin steveqinemory Hi @steveqinemory
This link should tell you if you have access. [https://www.synapse.org/#!AccessRequirements:ID=syn10996365&TYPE=ENTITY]
We have used ROSMAP data before (different kind). So I think I already have a DUC. But how do I know if I have or not? Is there a way to check? Hi @steveqinemory,
If you have a ROSMAP DUC in place already they should be available here: [https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies?Study=syn3219045]
If not you can apply though the portal here: [https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/DataAccess/DataUseCertificates]
Thank you @jgockley. Yes, we will do multigene eQTL. Can you please point us to VCF files (or geneotype table) and processed RNA-seq data? Thank you very much. Hi @steveqinemory,
Several eQTL analyses have already been preformed on the ROSMAP data. syn17015233[https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17015233] has eQTLs for Temporal Cortex, Cerebellum, and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. If these aren't what you're looking for I can help point you towards the application for data use through Rush.
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