Hello everybody, sorry this may be a silly question which is currently hard for me, but I want to download the fastq files of only some interesting samples(totally 500+) instead of all.
The download client asks syn ID as input, so I need to get a linkage like a python dictionary in which the key is the sample name and the value is the syn ID, then with this dictionary, I can produce the subset of syn IDs I want to download according to their corresponding sample name.
Could someone kindly tell me how to get it?
Created by Jiaxin Zhou Jiaxin Click on download options->Export table for [this query](!Synapse: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). That will get you a list of all ROSMAP fastq files. See synID and filename in the list + additional metadata
Drop files to upload
How to get the linkage between the file name and its syn ID in batch page is loading…