For the dataset https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn16779990, some CDRs show it's normal, and from Braaks (The CDR and Braak are from https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3205399), it shows that it is not normal even severe, for such dataset, which index (CDR or Braak) is more accurate? In addition, for comparison?is there ?normal? people data for this dataset https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn16779990?
Created by xinxingwu Got it. Thanks a lot. This study uses specimens from individuals that are also part of the Mount Sinai Brain Bank study. There is a more detailed description of the cohort there: syn3159438. They have not included a diagnosis based on these variables, but these have been used in analysis of this cohort
* Alzheimer disease: 'CDR' >=1, 'bbscore' >=4, 'NP.1' >=2
* Control: 'CDR' <=0.5, 'bbscore' <=3, 'NP.1' <=1
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