About https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3205399,
for individualIdentifier, such as AMPAD_MSSM_0000057064, AMPAD_MSSM_0000044145, AMPAD_MSSM_0000054396, and so on, is it ordered by the time or something (first come, first record), or just random?
Created by xinxingwu Got it. Many thanks. Those ids are actually the de-identified donor individual IDs that have also been used as a sample identifiers. There is no order to the numbers, they were completely randomly assigned, but there is a file that maps these IDs to the brain region and the array they were used on. syn4552846
Mette Got it. Thank you very much. So we could not say identifier AMPAD_MSSM_0000057064's sample is taken before AMPAD_MSSM_0000044145's sample when AMPAD_MSSM_0000057064 is before AMPAD_MSSM_0000044145.
Thanks again,
Wu These are completely random identifiers
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