Hello, I am currently using RNAseq data from ROSMAP study and MayoRNAseq datasets (both downloaded from synapse server). To my understanding, some subjects participated both ROSMAP and MayoRNAseq studies, therefore their samples probably were in both RNAseq datasets. I was trying to look at the IDs of MayoRNAseq and ROSMAP-RNAseq studies, but they seemed in completely different format. So I would like to check with you please if some subjects indeed participated both studies, and if so, if there is a way to link the IDs of these two studies?
Many thanks
Created by pwuucl @pwuucl-
The samples from ROSMAP and MayoRNAseq come from different brain bank sources, so there should be no repeated samples across the studies. Kelsey is alluding to the fact that some samples were sequenced at multiple sites, for the purposes of comparison, but are identifiable through Individual ID. There are samples that were sequenced at multiple sites. This [study design is documented](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn5550419).
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