I've checked the QC criteria of MSBB dataset, but I'm not sure why the following samples could not be found in the gene expression tables (I downloaded the .tsv files in QuantitatedExpression folder(syn7391749)):
In BM22: hB_RNA_9186, hB_RNA_9222, hB_RNA_9224
In BM36: hB_RNA_9085, hB_RNA_9105, hB_RNA_12252, hB_RNA_12362, hB_RNA_12322, hB_RNA_12282
all these samples are marked as OKay in the QC table, their RIN > 4 and rRNA.rate < 0.05 (5%).
Created by IJu Lo Ijulo I'm unsure of why these 2 samples were removed . The referenced publication may provide additional information
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