If you are experiencing difficulty accessing the ROSMAP dataset, please review the points below
* If you have more than one synapse account, you may have been granted access on a different account. You are able to search Synapse usernames and accounts if needed [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!PeopleSearch)
* If someone at your institution applied for access on behalf of a group of collaborators at your institution, they may not have added you to the request [as shown on this page] (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2580853/wiki/409854)
* You may not have renewed your access to this dataset. You are required to renew access to this dataset yearly. Check your emails for renewal reminder emails regarding this dataset.
* You may not have accepted the Terms of Use for the ROSMAP dataset. To do this, visit [this page](https://www.synapse.org/#!AccessRequirements:ID=syn3219045&TYPE=ENTITY). Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the ?Accept Terms of Use? button.
* If you are trying to gain access to this dataset directly through Rush University, please visit this page for more information or contact Gregory Klein (gregory_klein@rush.edu) directly if you have questions about a request you have already made through Rush.
* You may have not submitted an access request and DUC through the request tool on Synapse. If this is the case, you may request access to [ROSMAP here](https://www.synapse.org/#!AccessRequirements:ID=syn3219045&TYPE=ENTITY). You may have submitted a request that was not approved. If this is the case, you would have received an email with further instructions to meet the renewal requirements.
If you are still experiencing difficulty accessing the ROSMAP dataset after verifying that none of the above cases apply to you, please contact act@sagebionetworks.org. Be sure to include your Synapse username, full name, and institution in your email.