Does anyone know whether the reads in the Mayo RNASeq data set are stranded or non-stranded?
Created by Art Nasamran artnasamran The TruSeq mRNA v2 library prep kit was used. The fragmentation method used was zinc induced fragmentation. @mcarrasquillo I have a couple more questions. Do you know which version of the TruSeq RNA Sample Prep Kit was used (v1 or v2)? And do you know which fragmentation method was used (e.g. RNase digestion or zinc-induced)? Thanks, @mcarrasquillo The Mayo RNAseq dataset was generated using the non-stranded version of the TruSeq RNA Sample Prep Kit. @mcarrasquillo - can you answer this question? Was it the stranded or non-stranded version of the TruSeq RNA Sample Prep Kit? Thanks!
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