Dear Mette,
I downloaded the imputed vcf-files of the ROSMAP project from:
syn10901595 (WGS)
syn11724057 (IndividualStudyAnalysis)
But I also need information about the individuals, as age, gender, phenotype (Alzheimer's disease or control), which individuals are included, and the sequence of the individuals in the vcf-files.
Therefore I donwloaded the genotype data in:
syn3157325 (plink genotype data)
syn3157329 (imputed dosage data)
But the fam files include just -9 or 0 in the phenotype column.
So please can you tell me, where I can find these informations described above?
Thank you for your help and best regards,
Created by Markus Leber mleber Please see the ID key, clinical file and codebook here syn3157322