I have a question please regarding the MSBB micro array data available at: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3157699. Whom shall I contact to obtain the raw data? is there another Synapse link for the raw data? since it mentions "Raw data is available upon request". Also do you know if any of these samples overlap with samples from the HBTRC study available at: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3159435 since they are both processed by Mount Sinai?
Thank you for your help,
Created by Rami Al-Ouran RamiBcm Hi Mette,
I just wanted to follow up to see if you got any response from the data providers regarding the raw data. Thank you.
Hi Rami,
The MSBB tissue comes from the Mount Sinai brain bank, while the HBTRC tissue is from the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center. I'm unsure if the raw data is still made available, but will follow up with the data provider