Projid 20376029 has two WGS_id (ROS20376029, SM-CJEFR)
I was able to find 16 projid(20376029 50402431 10524640 50409406 87264456 20251553 11697592 93787649 22868024 50108912 50101523 50102826 44749170 69577198 87410220 50106578) which have duplicated WGS_id.
Should I select only one in those 16 WGS samples?
Thank you.
Created by Jong Hun Kim jh7521 Thank you so much!! Hi Annat,
This data was funded with the requirement that it should be released to qualified investigators soon after generation. The data contributors did therefore themselves not have the opportunity to do a sample identity analysis. We will update data users once we have more information. Use of the data is therefore up to you. We really appreciated you pointing this out and will let the data contributor know what you found. We will make it clear in the WGS description that it is early release.
I will unfortunately have to delete your post since this data (demographic, clinical information) is controlled access, but will keep a copy for the contributor.
Mette There are 17 biological replicates in the ROSMAP WGS. Data provider suggests using the sample with the higher Genomic Quality Number. See this file: syn11958660 I have followed up with the data provider and will let you know what I hear back.