Where can I find phenotypes for JointStudyAnalysis of MSBB ?
The file names are "NIA_JG_1898_samples_GRM_WGS_b37_JointAnalysis01_2017-12-08_1.recalibrated_variants.MSSM.vcf.gz"
Thank you.
Created by Jong Hun Kim jh7521 MSBB is part of a larger WGS set done across 3 studies. See top of the page here: syn10901600
Each of the 3 studies have the following
* Individual Study Analysis: Variants were called within each study
* Joint Study Analysis: Variants were called across the three studies
* This data has been split into a separate set per study, where all variant sites from the full large batch are included in the subsetted VCFs, but the allele counts are updated for the study specific batches.
To have all the samples you will need to download from each study folder
I thought that the joint analysis files have more subjects. I found that Individualstudyanalysis and jointstudyanalysis have same samples.
What is difference between Individualstudyanalysis and jointstudyanalysis? Does jointstudyanalysis include imputed genotypes?
Thank you.
IndividualStudyAnalysis (e.g. SCH_11923_B02_GRM_WGS_2017-05-15_10.recalibrated_variants.vcf.gz)
JointStudyAnalysis (e.g. NIA_JG_1898_samples_GRM_WGS_b37_JointAnalysis01_2017-12-08_10.recalibrated_variants.MSSM.vcf.gz) Can you please list the Synapse ID of the data you have questions about
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