Do you have any neuropathology data, like abeta/tau quantifications, plaque/tangle densities, cerad/braak scores, etc. available from the MayoRNASeq study? I can see that this information does not exist on Synapse right now, but I wondered whether it is available through a special agreement, given that was what we had to do to access detailed neuropath information from ROSMAP.
Created by safiye celik safiye Okay, thanks! The only information we have is what is in Synapse. You will need to contact the data provider to find out if additional information is available. Thanks, Mette! I understand that the diagnosis was made based on the neuropathologic evaluation by Dr. Dickson or Dr. Beach, but the details of those evaluation are not available on Synapse. But it is very likely that this neuropath information as well is saved somewhere, right? Given the leader of the study Dr. Taner directed me to you (AMPAD researchers) on that, who do you think I can contact with to hopefully access the neuropath information? I think this person is likely someone else at Mayo Clinic. We are ready to pay for it, if we have a chance to get neuropath data. Hi Safiye,
As you may know, we have the individual Dx available through these covariate files: syn5223705 and syn3817650. The neuropathology leading to those Dx is described here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn5550404
Other than that we do not have access to the same information as you do for ROSMAP, reason being that Rush has a large cohort they have been studying for years and have secured funding to create their own database, that we are part of.
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