Hi There,
Just a quick question on reads mapping problem in ROSMAP RNA-seq part( syn3388564 ).
It says "We used the non-gapped aligner Bowtie to align reads to transcriptome reference and then applied RSEM to estimate expression levels for all transcripts. The FPKM values were the outcome of our data RNA-Seq pipeline. " I want to know if reads are uniquely mapped or not, when you measure FPKMs. Is the RNA-seq pipeline available on github or somewhere else?
Created by Tao Wang twang Thanks Ben and Jishu!
Hi Jishu, I'd like to know more details about how the RNA-seq bam files were generated. Reads were aligned onto genome reference OR transcriptome reference? Using bowtie? I feel a little lost on the processing pipeline. Would you please help me clarify the pipeline generally(from raw reads to bam files then to RPKMs)? Thanks for your help!
Tao I would say NO. When we ran Trinity (Bowtie1 as aligner) and RSEM, we did not specified any parameters to deal with "un-unique mapping" reads.
Hi Tao,
I'll defer to @xujishu to answer your question concerning their version of the ROSMAP RNAseq data. We also will be releasing a reprocessed version of the ROSMAP RNAseq data later this summer with the full pipeline.
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