**I am curious how sex and/or gender were defined for the ROSMAP study (syn16780177 specifically) and if these are consistent across studies?**
Since sex and/or gender are both not binary, but are represented by constructed, binary categories, I am also wondering if the team can provide us with specific sexual traits metadata that may better inform our hypotheses and analyses on sex differences in Alzheimer's disease (AD)?
For example, categorical sex is not sufficient to explain disease alone, however if we look at a specific sexual trait like chromosomal organization, we can generate clear hypotheses about the influence of XX chromosomes on disease prevalence.
Can someone please share the following at your earliest convenience?
**1. Were the chromosomes of these patients assessed? Are all individuals XX or XY? **
**2. Were hormone levels assessed? Is this data available? **
3. Was adiposity assessed? Obesity is associated with metabolic diseases like AD, so this should be a critical piece to include for future analyses as well.
Created by Melise Edwards Melise9 Hi @Melise9,
We have a limited set of metadata for ROSMAP participants, and cannot obtain more for the AD Knowledge Portal per data use agreements. However, you may peruse the data variables available from the Rush [Research Resource Sharing Hub](https://www.radc.rush.edu/docs/var/variables.htm) to see if they have measures for adiposity and hormone levels (they do have a number of blood-based clinical markers), and if you find what you are looking for you can apply for access to these variables through the RADC.
We do have whole genome sequencing for ROSMAP participants, from which you can infer categorical sex and chromosome structure. The raw sequencing files and joint variant calls are found in the [Whole Genome Sequencing Harmonization Project](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage/StudyDetails?Study=syn22264775) which also includes WGS from Mt. Sinai Brain Bank and Mayo Clinic. The link above takes you to the AD Knowledge Portal landing page for the study. Click on the "Study Data" tab to access the files in Synapse.
I hope that helps!
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