Hi, I am wondering if the filtered feature count matrix is available for this batch of data. For example, for each sample, there are only four types of data: sampleID.atac_fragments.tsv.gz sampleID.atac_possorted_bam.bam sampleID.gex_possorted_bam.bam sampleID.raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5 However the cellranger processed data should at least contain a sampleID.filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 used for downstream analysis. Will these data be available by all means? Thanks!

Created by Qi Wang qwang178
Hi @qwang178, So far the study authors have only provided the pre-filtered data to synapse. We can ask the individual who uploaded the data if a filtered matrix or some other metadata indicating which cells were included in analyses will be made available in the future. @cboix, do you and your coauthors have any plans to make downstream data outputs available for interested researchers? Best, Laura

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