Hello, I am new here and I am currently in the process of requesting some data. To do that I need to write which studies I want to use. For example I want to use the The MIT ROSMAP Single-Nucleus Multiomics Study (MIT_ROSMAP_Multiomics) synID: syn52293417. The data themselves have another synID syn52293424. Which synID should i use in my DUC?
Sometimes the metadata of a study are also located in another folder with a different synID. Should I request access to all the different synIDs separately?
Created by Elena Daoutsali e.daoutsali Hi Elena,
You should use the synID syn52293417 in your DUC so that you will gain access to all of the data held within the top-level folder of the study and its subfolders. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
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