Hello, thank you for making this wonderful data available!
I notice the publication for this work (10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.039) mentions "individual batches" for the snRNAseq data:
>For the UMAP visualization of individual major cell type classes (excitatory neurons, inhibitory neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, OPCs, immune cells), the SCTransform-based integration workflow of Seurat was used to align data from **individual batches**
The metadata file (MIT_ROSMAP_Multiomics_assay_snRNAseq_metadata, syn52368902) for the snRNAseq does not seem to include libraryBatch information for the 427 subjects.
Is there a file I'm missing with this information about sequencing batch?
Created by Henry Hollis henryhollis4 @henryhollis4 Hi Henry,
Thank you for your post. Please see the updated metadata file (MIT_ROSMAP_Multiomics_assay_snRNAseq_metadata, syn52368902) for the recently updated `libraryID` column, which should map to the annotations on the individual files.
Kind regards,
Victor I was wondering the same thing... It also seems like the metadata file (MIT_ROSMAP_Multiomics_assay_snRNAseq_metadata, syn52368902) doesn't include the cell barcodes for the 427 subjects. The 'sampleBarcode' column appears to be empty...
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