Firstly, thank you for depositing data for this project!
I am having trouble finding donor information that correlates with the barcodes in the processed files at syn16780177. I have downloaded the ROSMAP_Brain.snRNAseq_metadata_cells_20230420.csv file available but it did not have donor metadata. A file with barcode-donor mapping information and donor metadata (age, sex, etc) would be very helpful. Please let me know if I am missing something!
Thank you for your time and help!
Created by Valentina Zhang zhangval Hi Victor,
Could you please provide any suggestions as to how I can proceed?
Thank you!
Valentina Hi Victor,
Thank you for the response!
I am using the processed files at syn21589957, which has cell IDs like MFC_B1_01_Cdx1_pAD0_ATCCACCTCTATCGCC. These IDs are not in the ROSMAP_snRNAseq_demultiplexed_ID_mapping.csv file. Could you please advise?
Thank you,
Valentina Hi Valentina,
Thank you for your question. Barcodes are mapped to individualIDs in [ROSMAP_snRNAseq_demultiplexed_ID_mapping.csv](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn34572333). Donor metadata is in [ROSMAP_clinical.csv](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3191087). You may join these two files with whatever other file you are using to obtain the complete dataset.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
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