Hello, I just downloaded data from this project. However I do not understand which samples are considered as cases and which ones as controls. Could you please send me information about this?
Thanks a lot
Created by Javier Simón-Sánchez simonsanchezj I think that's not enough. The Wiki on the covariates file (syn6101472) noted that clinical covariate information is in this file: syn6101474
${preview?entityId=syn6101474} All studies come with covariates information - the files have an annotation called `dataType` that is set to `covariates`.
Looks like this is the file you're looking for (it's in the Folder from the title of this post, syn4645334) : syn6101472
Here's a preview:
Here's how you could find all of them in the AMP-AD using a [Synapse annotation query](http://docs.synapse.org/articles/annotation_and_query.html) (example given for the command line client, but works similar for R or Python):
synapse query 'select id,name,center,study,organism from file where projectId=="syn2580853" AND dataType=="covariates"'