For the CHIPseq dataset from the ROSMAP study; **syn4896408**; I cannot match the IDs used in the processed data to the metadata or any other IDs used in ROSMAP.
Specifically, the file **syn17016846** has 8-digit numerical IDs:
1.IndividualStudies > Human > ROSMAP > Data > Epigenetics > Epigenetics (ChIP Seq) > Processed > ReadCounts.csv
And metadata for this **syn5963810** has ids starting with 'R' followed by 7 digits:
1.IndividualStudies > Human > ROSMAP > Data > Metadata > ROSMAP_assay_ChIPseq_metadata.csv
I have also tried to cross the ReadCounts.csv with the 'projid' found in the other ROSMAP files, but it does not match either.
Hopefully someone can direct me on how to match the ReadCounts.csv ids to the metadata or any of the other ROSMAP ids.
Created by Justin Whalley jpwhalley I have looked into the [published paper]( of this data and they have the following:
_Human H3K9ac ChIP-seq data has been deposited at Synapse (Synapse: syn4896408). Phenotype variables for the ROS/MAP studies can be requested from the RADC Research Sharing Hub (
Would anyone know if the Phenotype variables from RADC may have the link between their data IDs and the usual ROSMAP IDs? In their supplementary software, the phenotypes variable file is called "rosmap.csv". Hello @jmalenfant
No luck for me in getting an answer, though thank you for checking in.
Justin Hello @jpwhalley
I see that you added this discussion post a while ago and I wanted to see if this is still an open question of if this was resolved outside of the discussion forum. My sincere apologies if your question was missed and never resolved! Please let us know if you still have questions or need support.
Best, Jessica
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