Hi, is there a phenotype file with control and cases containing samples from ROSMAP, MAYO, and MSBB studies that are used in the AGORA database for RNA-seq differential expression?
Thank you!
Created by zainab khurshid zainabk Great, thank you for the help! Hi Zainab,
The RNAseq differential expression data presented in Agora is derived from The RNAseq Harmonization Study, which is described here: https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage/StudyDetails?Study=syn21241740
The The RNAseq Harmonization Study is based on a number of other studies, which are documented in the Study Description section on that page. You can find the metadata files on the Study Data tab of each of those foundational studies. For example, the ROSMAP metadata files are here: https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage/StudyData?Study=syn3219045#StudyMetadata
Information about working with metadata files is available here: https://help.adknowledgeportal.org/apd/About-Metadata.2241626149.html
Be aware that the ROSMAP, MSBB, and Mayo metadata files do not have a diagnosis column; instead they have various values including Braak stages, CERAD scores, and sometimes cognitive dx information. Furthermore, we have only a limited set of the full ROSMAP clinical data. If you need additional phenotype data, you'll need to contact [RADC](https://www.radc.rush.edu/) directly to request access to the extended data from them.
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