I am wondering if someone can explain why the description for ROSMAP snRNA-seq gene expression data says "465 individual samples" were included in this study, then in the library preparation stage only says 8 individuals were sequenced with 5,000 cells each. Is there a paper or updated description of the methods that someone could share? Thank you for your time.
Created by Melise Edwards Melise9 Hi Melise,
I believe that the methods documentation for this study is indicating that the 465 individual samples were pooled into multiple batches of 8 individuals each for processing, not that only a single pooled batch of samples from 8 individuals was processed. If you need further details on the methodology, the data contributor @masashi should be able to provide additional clarification.
Also note that there is some additional information about working with the ROSMAP_snRNAseq_demultiplexed_ID_mapping.csv metadata file [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2580853/discussion/threadId=10254), which may be helpful.
Jessica You responded to a discussion with the syn ID in the title: "Sample processing description for syn31512863."
I am asking about the sample size of the Gene Expression Data for single cell (Experiment 2 - single nucleus RNA-seq) with 465 individual samples. It later says that only 8 individuals were included with 5,000 cells each. It is very confusing and hard to read. Hi Melise,
Can you please provide the synId or a link to the to the study data and/or documentation that you are asking about? There are multiple ROSMAP studies, and I'm not sure which one you are asking about.
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