We cannot match the age, sex, diagnosis etc. clinical info with mRNA samples of batch 7 and 8. The identifier of ROSMAP_clinical.csv is ?projid', and we need to use ROSMAP_IDkey.csv to map ?projid' with ?mrna_id', while the mrna_ids of batch 7 and 8 seem not available in file ROSMAP_IDkey.csv. How can we solve this?
Created by Tao Wang twang Hi @twang
It's actually available in the same file. But coded as NA values for the batch column. So kindly match them based on mrna_id stripped of the batch field. Meaning map 253_120426 for sample with id as 253_120426_6. The last number after the underscore is the batch information. So if NA is the value for the batch then you will find sample ids like 829_130725 and 900_131010 corresponding to batches 7 and 8.