If I use programatic options to download a directory, such as syn28256462, at completion a manifest file is created. For syn28256462,
synapse get -r syn28256462
downloads the 6 expected files, but also creates a SYNAPSE_METADATA_MANIFEST.tsv which is very useful. How can I get a corresponding manifest.tsv file for individual synpase IDs, for example syn30961086?
I stumbled on a way to get the columns from manifest.tsv to output in JSON (one per sample) but 1) can't recreate now, and 2) would prefer to get multiple sample info in a single tsv, instead of individual JSON files that need additional parsing.
Thanks in advance,
Created by Chris Rhodes crhodes4 Thanks Abby! That worked. More generally, is this forum the best place to bring up API related questions and technical issues not related to synapse IDs/specimens? Or is there forum/channel channel dedicated to the API? Hi Chris,
You can get this entity metadata tsv when you use the Download Cart feature in Synapse or the AD Portal. You can add files from anywhere in the portal to this download cart ([more info here](https://help.adknowledgeportal.org/apd/Accessing-Data.2137260765.html#AccessingData-Downloadingdata)), and when you download as a zip folder it will include the SYNAPSE_METADATA_MANIFEST file. You can also add files to your download cart in the web UI, and then download everything from the cart programmatically (e.g., in the command line client you could uses `synapse get-download-list --downloadLocation `. This will also give you the metadata manifest. [This function](https://python-docs.synapse.org/build/html/index.html?highlight=get%20download%20list#synapseclient.Synapse.get_download_list) is documented in the Synapse Python client but is also available in the CLI and the R client.
Let me know if that seems like what you're looking for!
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