We are interested in incorporating bulk RNAseq Emory Vascular dataset (Emory_Vascular - syn18909507) in our analyses, and we would like to know if there are files available describing the quality control process for generating the processed RNAseq data.
We are interested in the following:
1 - Fastqc files or information on per base sequence quality, per base sequence content, insert size ( if paired end ).
2 - Information on how read counts files were generated from fastq.
fastq - > bam: which aligner is used, any intermediate files listing alignment stats.
bam -> read counts: which quantification tool and gene annotation files were used.
Thank you,
Created by Samantha Strickland sls18 Hi Samantha,
We do not have any fastqc files, but we recommend that you contact Dr. Ihab Hajjar at Emory (the contributing PI for this study) about those.
The information on how read counts files were generated is in this Study Description of the Emory Vascular study: https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage/StudyDetails?Study=syn18909507#Methods-GeneExpressionRNAseq
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