I am trying to access the blood and brain RNA-seq collected from matching ROSMAP individuals. Could you please point me to the appropriate files?
I see that the brain RNA-seq is available at https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3505720. Is there a similar processed blood file (i.e. a FPKM table).
Thank you and best wishes,
Created by rvinas Hi Ramon,
While we don't have a processed counts file for the ROSMAP blood RNAseq data, we do have matched samples for brain and blood results. You can use the RNAseq metadata, biospecimen metadata, clinical metadata, and clinical codebook files [here](syn3157322) to identify individuals that have specimens with assay="rnaSeq" for both organ="blood" and organ="brain".
Additional information about working with metadata files is available in our documentation [here](https://help.adknowledgeportal.org/apd/About-Metadata.2241626149.html), however please note that the ROSMAP study has a clinical data file rather than the standard individual metadata file that the documentation references. The clinical code book file explicitly defines the provided variables. Additionally, a large amount of clinical and pathological data have been collected from individuals in the ROSMAP studies. The remainder of the clinical and pathological data may be accessed directly from the [Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center](https://www.radc.rush.edu/res/ext/home.htm).
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