Hello Team,
I am referring ROSMAP bulk RNA sequencing file - ROSMAP_RNAseq_FPKM_gene.tsv.
I have downloaded ROSMAP_clinical.csv.
The column names of FPKM file are : 525_120515 ,383_120503 and
Clinical.csv: project id or individual id or their combination are not matching with column names of FPKM file .
Am i referring some wrong files? please guide me. Would like to know hoe to get metadata.
Created by Shreya Paithankar shreya1704 Hi Shreya,
You'll need use the ROSMAP_biospecimen_metadata.csv file ([syn21323366](syn21323366)) in addition to the ROSMAP_clinical.csv file ([syn3191087](syn3191087)).
A general description of how to join assay results to clinical and biospecimen metadata files is available in our documentation [here](https://help.adknowledgeportal.org/apd/Metadata.2241626149.html).
You can also find a related discussion and some supporting R code that may be helpful in [this thread](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2580853/discussion/threadId=6976).