I am working with WGS data from ROSMAP study and have a question about its QC table "WGS_sample_QC_info.csv" (syn12178037). There is a column "Duplicate" showing some of the samples are "identical" to another sample in this table. What confuses me is that, when I map these "duplicated" samples using projid with clinical meta data table (syn3191087) from ROSMAP study. It clears show that these samples are from different individuals (most demographical variables are different). How could these samples are duplicated when they are from different individuals? There are not much of them, but it worries me that if I get the mapping wrong. So can anyone confirm that I could ignore the "Duplicate" column in this table?
Created by Li Sun rikku1983 Hello,
It looks like the samples that are marked "duplicate" AND fail QC are all suspected sample mis-matches (potentially a sample from another patient instead of the labeled patient), while the ones marked "duplicate" and pass QC are probably the correct patient/sample match. So I think it is safe to ignore the "duplicate" column and use only the samples that pass QC.
I hope that helps,
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