I?m using the bulk RNA-Seq dataset from syn21589959.
I set up the pipeline for bulk RNA-seq and I tried to compare it with the preprocessed data set (ROSMAP_RNAseq_FPKM_gene.tsv ; syn3505720).
But I think the expression table doesn?t match the fastq files.
I tried to match the data using ?ROSMAP_assay_rnaSeq_metadata.csv?, ?ROSMAP_biospecimen_metadata.csv?, ?ROSMAP_clinical.csv?, and ?ROSMAP_IDkey.csv?
The fastq files have a name like this (RISK_100_S63_R1_001.fastq.gz, syn21589959).
But the expression table has the other name(column), and I only can find a bam file. These bam files are generated after mapping?
Can I get the fastq files corresponding to the expression table? ([syn3505720](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3505720)ROSMAP_RNAseq_FPKM_gene.tsv). I need the raw sequencing data for processing.
I really look forward to getting your reply. Thank you.
Created by Tamina Park tamina Thank you very much @lheath
That's what I wanted to know.
I'm sure it'll help.
Tamina Hi @tamina,
I did some searching and found the fastq files that correspond to the expression table you are interested in. They are in a different folder, as this effort was part of a larger project across cohorts (that is not intuitive--even I had to ask where to find them). The fastq files with specimenIDs that match the expression table are in [syn8612097](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8612097).
If you look around in this set of folders in synapse, you may find more fastq files from other cohorts to experiment with as well, and also downstream differential expression analyses .
I hope this helps!
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