I am not able to download the dataset. As per the timeline the dataset should be release by now. Thank You Pranjal Sahu

Created by pranjalsahu
You should be able to find the instructions under Files->mood->MOOD Download.pdf if you entered the challenge.
The mood folder seems to be gone again, there is only a submission instruction document (like earlier). Can someone please add the data folder again? Thanks!
Sorry, just checked again, should be visible now.
I'm unable to find the mood folder as well. under the files tab, I can only see "MOOD-Submission Instructions.pdf" Thanks.
Hi, thx for the question =) , sorry for the delay, the data is uploaded and we will make the guide on 'how to download it' accessible today during the day. Cheers, David

I can't see any Mood folder for downloading data page is loading…